
On this page, you can see the release notes of all Zettlr versions. Click on an entry to expand its changelog. The "Upcoming" category refers to changes that have already been implemented but not yet released as an update. This page is regularly generated from the original Changelog file that you can always find here.


GUI and Functionality

Under the Hood


Changes to Pandoc Profiles

This update fixes a workaround that Zettlr had in place for a shortcoming of Pandoc regarding the automatic numbering of headings. This workaround is no longer necessary, since Pandoc has since fixed the issue.

Zettlr now ships with changed default profiles for various export formats. Since Zettlr never overwrites any data, the new defaults will not be applied automatically. You can apply the change manually by removing the following line from the default profiles: shift-heading-level-by: 1.

GUI and Functionality

Under the Hood


GUI and Functionality

Under the Hood


Resolved Data Loss Issues

When Zettlr v3.0.0 was released, we started receiving reports by users mentioning that some files wouldn't properly save, potentially leading to data loss. After searching for the underlying root cause, we have now identified it as improper newline handling in files. Specifically, we have accidentally introduced a bug that would render Zettlr incapable of properly detecting Windows-style CRLF newlines. This means that Zettlr was only sometimes able to properly read and modify such files.

This update fixes this bug. Now, Zettlr is able to properly read and modify any file, regardless of whether it has been created on Windows, macOS, Linux, or even some older systems. We would like to apologize for this bug and thank you for sticking with Zettlr despite it.

Changes to the file filtering logic

The filter field in the file manager has always applied OR-logic when searching for files and workspaces. In this latest update, Zettlr changes to AND file filtering logic, meaning that only items matching all queries will be displayed when entering phrases separated by spaces.

As an example: Until now, searching for "Niklas Luhmann" would've surfaced files that contained either "Niklas" or "Luhmann," or both. From now on, searching for "Niklas Luhmann" will only show files that contain both "Niklas" and "Luhmann" and exclude files that miss one of these phrases.

GUI and Functionality

Under the Hood


GUI and Functionality

Under the Hood


Changes to the link detection

For a long time now, Zettlr would (sometimes aggressively so) detect plain links and display them in a rendered state. In some cases, this was nice as it would relieve you from having to surround such links with pointy or angled brackets.

However, especially in the latest evolution of this parser plugin, the link detection was a bit too aggressive and interfered, e.g., with emphasis highlighting. In this version, we have entirely removed our custom link detection and rely upon the more straight-forward way of detecting links.

Regarding your exporting experience, this should not have any impact, since the auto-link-detection feature wasn't enabled by default by Pandoc anyhow, but depending on how you have been writing, you may notice less detected links in your documents.

To add "plain" links (without using the full []()-syntax) from now on, simply surround them with angled brackets: <> or <>. Note that the protocol (https://) is required, so <> will not work.

This changes brings Zettlr's link functionality much more into alignment with other editors as well, since this is the way that many other applications handle links as well.

Introducing Wikilink Titles

This update brings a long-awaited change to Zettlr's handling of internal links (sometimes called Wikilinks). Specifically, with this version, Zettlr finally supports optional titles in such links. Your old links in the format [[link]] still work fine, but now you can add a title that is different from the link, separated by a pipe, or vertical bar character (|).

If such a title is given, Zettlr will use it in various ways to make your files more readable. For example, if you have the link renderer activated in the settings, it will take care of hiding the link target of Wikilinks as well as those of regular Markdown links.

Since there is no way of knowing which of the two parts is the link, and which is the title, Zettlr follows Pandoc's solution in allowing you to specify how internal links are structured for you. The default and recommended setting is to put links first, and titles second ([[link|title]]). This ensures compatibility with VimWiki, MediaWiki, Obsidian, and others. However, should you need to target GitHub wiki pages or another application that expects a title to come first, you can select the alternative option ([[title|link]]).

In order to make Pandoc aware of your choice, you can add one of the following reader extensions to your export profiles: wikilinks_title_after_pipe or wikilinks_title_before_pipe.

Lastly, due to this improvement, we have changed the default setting for "link with filename" from "always" to "never", since it will be more ergonomic to use a custom link title directly instead of having the filename pop up after the link. This default setting applies only to new installations automatically; so if you already installed Zettlr, you can manually switch it.

Re-enabling old Link-Title-Syntax

After the release of Zettlr v3.0.0, some users have complained that their internal links have stopped working. It turns out that quite a lot were using Logseq's syntax for adding titles to internal links ([Title]([[Link]])), which we broke during a refactor of the Markdown parser. This update partially restores this link functionality, allowing you to Cmd/Ctrl-Click them to follow these links again.

Note that we have not implemented other parts yet, and we recommend the more common [[wikilinks]] or [regular markdown links](./

Preferences Window Overhaul

This release marks the debut of our UX/UI artist Artem Barinov who spent the better half of 2023 redesigning the entire preferences window from scratch. While this change narrowly didn't make it into 3.0.0, we are more than excited to introduce this new and sleek overhaul in this version.

The new window now follows a much more consistent design philosophy. While we have kept the broad tabbed outline, the settings have now been moved into smaller blocks that contain sets of related settings. Furthermore, instead of having to remember where a setting is located, you can now directly search for it using the new search bar.

We also took the opportunity to change, rename, relabel, and remove settings so that a bit of older remnants are now gone. Overall, the experience of changing the settings should now be much smoother, and we hope you like the change. In the coming updates, you can improve many more improvements on the UX side of things!

Project Overhaul: Full Control Over Your Files

Projects are at the heart of Zettlr. As a writing toolbox primarily targeted at academics, journalists, and writers, it must cater not just to simple note- taking workflows, but also to serious writing. Because of this, Zettlr ships with a project feature since the very beginning (since version 0.18.0, released on Jul 20, 2018, to be precise).

However, for a long time the feature attempted to piggyback on the way your files were displayed. This meant that (a) the order in which your files were weaved together into the project file depended on the sorting of the directory, and (b) there was no clear way to exclude files that naturally amass during the lifetime of a project, such as notes, backup files, and miscellaneous.

Zettlr 3.1.0 fixes this issue by introducing a rather small, but powerful change to the way projects work. We have removed the difficult to understand glob- patterns that were introduced in a less-than-ideal attempt to fix some of the complexity-issues that were introduced later (such as displaying file titles instead of filenames, and others). Instead, you can now explicitly select which files will be included in your bound export files – and in which order.

The new file list, which you can find in the project properties dialog, aims to be dead-simple to understand, yet give you back the certainty which files will end up where in your export – without a doubt.

This also means a change to your projects: After this update, the glob patterns will be removed from your .ztr-directory files and replaced with an (initially empty) array of files to be included in your project. That means that you will have to select the files you want to include in a project once after the update.

Managing this list in the project properties is simple: The "Files" tab includes a list of all files available within the project's folder structure. To select a file for export, click the "+"-button to move it up and include it in the export. Next, you can use the "Up"- and "Down"-buttons to change the order of the files within your export. The "-"-button removes a file again and moves it back down to the list of ignored files. Changes are immediately applied and persisted to your disk.

When you now export the project, Zettlr will use only the files you have selected, and put them in the appropriate order.

Should you have deleted a file that you originally included in the list of files, Zettlr will show you a warning message as soon as you export it so that you can have a second look to not send off a file that's missing a crucial part of your work. Such missing files are shown atop of the available files and feature a "-"-button which allows you to remove them from the list. We opted for this approach of you manually having to remove missing links, since it makes it transparent which files are missing so you can take the appropriate action (especially if it was an accidental deletion).

LanguageTool Improvements

The first update to Zettlr's LanguageTool integration concerns the language detection. This update ships with two improvements:

  1. Zettlr implements LanguageTool's "Preferred Variants" setting
  2. LanguageTool respects the lang frontmatter property

Those who prefer writing in British English (instead of, e.g., US English) had to resort to manually switching the automatically detected language from en-US to en-GB every time they opened a file. This has to do with fact that LanguageTool's auto-detector cannot reliably distinguish between variants of some languages (English, German, Portuguese, and Catalan). That is why LT implements a "Preferred Variants" setting that allows you to specify which variant you prefer when writing in any of these languages. Zettlr now implements this setting so that when LT auto-detects the language, it will choose that variant if it detects that, e.g., English is the language. You can adapt this in the settings.

Second, LanguageTool now respects the lang property in YAML frontmatters. This will come in especially handy for people writing bilingual and where LanguageTool has troubles auto-detecting the primary language. By setting the property lang to the language of the document (e.g., en-CA), LanguageTool will default to that one instead of choosing the auto-detection. As an added benefit, Pandoc also supports this property to localize some things here and there (read more at

Note that both improvements only apply to the initial loading of a document. You can always override the language on a per-document basis using the status bar.

GUI and Functionality

Under the Hood


Dropping Support for macOS 10.13 and 10.14

Due to Zettlr's underlying Electron framework dropping support for macOS 10.13 (High Sierra) and 10.14 (Mojave), Zettlr drops support for these operating systems as well. To continue to use Zettlr on a Mac, ensure to update to at least macOS 10.15 (Catalina).

Linux ARM builds functionally again

Since Zettlr v3.0.0, Linux users on ARM-machines had the issue that they could not run the app, as a dependency has been compiled for the wrong architecture. Thanks to efforts by @LaPingvino, this has now been finally fixed and you should be able to run the app again just fine on ARM computers with Linux.

GUI and Functionality

Under the Hood


Security patch -- Please Update immediately

Dear users,

a security researcher has brought to our attention an issue that can lead to a potential remote code execution (RCE) attack utilizing Zettlr's binary. This issue has been first discovered and exploited in 2023. It is unlikely that you have been affected, since the effort for this exploit is comparatively high and it requires you to take some non-trivial actions. However, since we are committed to making the app as safe as humanely possible to use, and the corresponding fix was pretty easy to implement, we decided to offer this security release that includes the same functionality as Zettlr v3.0.3, but with the added security patch included.

A CVE (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures) number has been applied for at MITRE, but not yet issued. Once we know the number, we will publish a postmortem on our blog and include some background as well as details about what this issue exactly implied, how it could have been exploited, and how we have mitigated the issue in this patch.

GUI and Functionality

Nothing changed.

Under the hood


A Note on Custom CSS

This update includes a full refactor of the theming: The editor themes (Berlin, Frankfurt, Bielefeld, Karl-Marx-Stadt, and Bordeaux) have now moved to their own theme files and do not come with standard CSS anymore. This heavily un-clutters the codebase, but it may impact your Custom CSS, should you use this feature. We have ensured that no class names change and that the styling is mostly the same, but the possibility of having to adapt the Custom CSS may arise for some of you.

GUI and Functionality

Under the Hood


GUI and Functionality

Under the Hood


GUI and Functionality

Under the Hood



This update brings a host of changes and new features. If you're upgrading from an older version of Zettlr, you will have to re-do a few things because due to the extensive changes, we had to adapt how your data is persisted. Here's the quick list:

  1. Your open documents will have to be re-opened once. Regardless of which files were open previously, they will all be closed after the update.
  2. There are no more unsaved in-memory files.
  3. Two default settings have changed in order to maximize benefits from the new features: Avoid new tabs is now set to false (since split-panes also allows you to spread out your open documents across several panes and windows), and Always reload remote changes is now set to true by default.
  4. The defaults system has changed. You will see new export options that weren't there before, and you will see some weird export.format.yaml and import.format.yaml export options. These are the "old" profiles we have kept in case you made modifications. We suggest you copy over all changes to the new profiles and then delete them, or rename those old ones to more memorable names. Read more below.
  5. The TableEditor has received a better save strategy to prevent data loss. As it is impossible to fully control the data flow from the visual table element into the underlying Markdown document, this data flow is now explicit: Tables now feature a save button (with a disk icon) at the top of the table. Its background will be green as long as the table has not been modified. Once it it modified, the background will turn red. Click the button to apply all changes to the document.
  6. Quicklook windows are completely gone now.
  7. Footnote editing has changed: Instead of editing the footnote in-place by Cmd/Ctrl-clicking it, there is now an "Edit" button inside the footnote preview which, upon clicking, will bring you to the footnote context. This has the benefit that you will have full syntax highlighting support as well as any shortcuts and commands you may need.
  8. We have deprecated the Zettelkasten link start and end configuration settings. Both are now fixed to [[ and ]] respectively. We have figured that nobody needs to configure this, and it makes many parts of our code easier.

Correcting Ordered List Numbers on Move

Moving lines that are part of an ordered list using 'Alt-UpArrow'/'Alt-DownArrow' will now also correct the list numbers of any affected lists after the move.

New Icons on Windows and Linux

For 3.0, we decided that it's time to give our app icons a facelift. For the past six years, Zettlr sported working, but relatively bland icons to convey its existence on the taskbar to its users. The new icons still convey the same message, but you will notice that they now integrate much better into the new Windows 11 Fluent UI.

We decided to exchange the icons on Linux as well. They may not seamlessly integrate into your specific UI, but we feel they will definitely look more modern than the previous iteration of icons.

With this move, the Windows and Linux experience of Zettlr finally moves on par to the macOS experience, which has received an updated icon with the release of Zettlr 2.0.

Split-Panes and Multiple Windows

A long awaited feature has made it into this version: Now you can open multiple windows and you can split the editor area in every window into multiple parts, so-called editor panes (sometimes we may call them "leafs" since internally they are represented as a tree structure. Feel free to remind us in that case that we're talking to humans, not our code). This means you can now open as many files as you wish at the same time, and you can spread them out across multiple windows. This will especially benefit workflows that rely on having open multiple files side by side to copy information or to read them. However, if you are happy with the old ways, you can of course opt not to use them. Here's how it works:

New Defaults/Profile File System

This update introduces a new way to work with defaults files. At a glance, here's what has changed:

Tag Manager Update

The tag manager has received a necessary face lift. Now, the tag manager shows all your tags and allows you to assign/un-assign colors and descriptions. This makes it easier to assign colors to certain tags without having to remember the tag first. Additionally, it gives you a better overview over your tags. The info is now being propagated better across the app, with more places showing the assigned colors for tags.

Additionally, you now have a better way to consolidate your tags: Within the tag manager, you can now rename tags in order to clean up your tagging system.

Splash Screen

As more and more users have increasingly large workspaces, we receive an increasing amount of feedback that the app start seems sluggish. To indicate that nothing is wrong and Zettlr simply needs time to recreate the cache, we have implemented a splash screen that shows if the file loading isn't finished after one second and displays the boot process to show what is happening behind the hood.

Migration Guide

There are two instances where you will want to migrate something.

Old defaults files

Since Zettlr will never remove any data without asking, it will keep the previous files in your defaults directory. Now that their filename is also meaningful, you can see them by their naming structure: import.format.yaml and export.format.yaml. You are free to remove them or rename and keep them.

Zettlr ships with a set of new files that are now additionally appropriately named. Those files are "protected". Protected files have a small lock icon next to their name. Protected means that if you delete or rename them, they will automatically be recreated. You can use this to your advantage: By deleting such a file, you are effectively resetting it to factory default (good if you forgot what you changed). By renaming such a file, you can effectively make a copy to have several versions of the same settings depending on your needs.

Reveal.js Presentations

Since we have now dropped our internal reveal.js exporter, there are a few changes you have to make to your existing reveal.js presentations. First, the theme must now be defined in a YAML frontmatter instead of via the dropdown. A minimal working YAML frontmatter will look like this:

theme: league

... the rest of the file

Supported theme values are:

Then, in order to get a working reveal.js presentation, you have to make sure that the property standalone: true is inside the profile (this is the default). In order to additionally copy everything into the HTML file to create a truly self-contained presentation, set the property self-contained: true.

All other things should work as before, but may require a small tweak here or there.

GUI and Functionality

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GUI and Functionality

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GUI and Functionality

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GUI and Functionality

Under the Hood


This update changes the scroll effect on the document tab bar to be smooth instead of snappy. To revert to the old behavior, you can use the following Custom CSS:

body div#tab-container {
  scroll-behavior: auto;

GUI and Functionality

Under the Hood


GUI and Functionality

Under the Hood


This update includes a long-awaited feature: Graph views. This brings Zettlr on par with other apps such as logseq or Obsidian. You will find the graph view in the stats window, which you can open as usual by clicking the statistics button on the toolbar. The graph will re-render as soon as something in the link structure of your notes changes. Rendering may take some time, however -- not because constructing or displaying the actual graph takes so much time, but rather, because resolving internal links (which can be either IDs or filenames) takes a long time.

Within the graph view, you can interact with it in a few ways:

Note that the graph view is still in its early stages. It works as advertised, but since networks can be very tricky, there is a lot of room for improvement. You will notice that we publish this new feature using a patch release (2.2.2 instead of 2.3.0). The reason is that we cannot finalize this feature in any way without the feedback from the community. So for this feature, we would like to invite you to provide feedback -- not just about potential bugs, but about things we should improve in the visual feedback the graph view gives you.

See this as an opportunity: Whereas the graph views of Roam, logseq or Obsidian are pretty much in a final stage, Zettlr's graph view is still a blank canvas upon which you can project your ideas that help us all make sense of the chaos that is the network of our files!

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GUI and Functionality

Under the Hood


Attention: This update switches one preference in the exporters' defaults: file-scope is now removed. Remove this line from your defaults files, or reset them to the (new) default, if you'd like to use this in your exports as well. See for more info this issue.

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GUI and Functionality

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GUI and Functionality

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GUI and Functionality

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GUI and Functionality

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GUI and Functionality

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GUI and Functionality

Under the Hood


No stable release works without bugs, and thanks to our community, we found them quickly! This patch fixes those initial bugs.

GUI and Functionality

Under the Hood


Since the last release, 1.8.9, there have been 1,921 commits and 823 files inside the codebase have changed (plus one or two commits after editing this changelog and bumping the version string). Thus, the changelog this time does not contain a meticulous list of every change. Rather, we focus on notable changes here. If you would like to see the full list of every change, please follow this link.

32bit Builds Are Discontinued

We do not ship any more 32bit builds. From 2.0.0 onwards, only 64bit builds (both Intel and ARM) are supported. For Windows ARM builds, Pandoc is not available, so to export and import files on Windows ARM you must install Pandoc manually, if possible.

New Configuration Options

Several existing configuration options have changed their format. This means that changes to these won't be recognised and they will reset to their default. In this case, you may have to re-adapt your preferences in several places. Please have a look at your settings after updating and see if they still are set the way you like.

Writing Targets Must Be Re-Applied

Due to a change in the underlying data structure, this version of Zettlr will not recognise any writing target set by a Zettlr version 1.x. This means: Please note down the important writing targets you have set before updating and then once re-apply them. We would like to apologise for this inconvenience, but believe its benefits by far outweigh the single additional migration effort on your side.

No More Transitive Files / New Browser-Like Behavior

The idea of "transitive files" we implemented in previous iterations of Zettlr proved to be counter-intuitive to many people. We now removed that feature in favor of a much better tab-management. By default, Zettlr will now try to avoid opening new tabs and instead attempt to replace existing tabs whenever you open any new file. You can force Zettlr to open a file in a new tab instead by either middle-clicking, or right-clicking the file and choosing "Open in a new tab." If you generally do not want tabs to be closed in favor of other files, you can uncheck the option "Avoid opening new tabs." Files with unsaved changes will never be replaced. This behavior is very closely aligned with how modern browsers handle links.

Autosave Is Now A Setting

A few years ago we implemented auto-saving after a delay of five seconds with no change to the current file. However, some people mentioned that they'd like to choose what to do. Now you can switch between three modes of autosaving. "Off" disables autosave and you have to manually save using Cmd/Ctrl+S. "Immediately" saves files after a very short delay of 250ms, that is basically whenever you stop typing. "After a delay" (default) will save files after the 5s delay you know from previous versions of Zettlr.

PDF-Preferences Are Discontinued

The PDF-Preferences window has been removed in favor of the new "assets manager." While it did prove to be a nice reminiscence of how LibreOffice or Word handled layout, it was not a scalable solution. Instead, we have now switched to defaults files, which are a little more complex than this dialog, but provide much more functionality and flexibility.

New Dialog: Assets Manager

Instead of the old PDF-Preferences window, Zettlr now contains a so-called "assets manager." This is a new preferences window that allows you to customize settings which are stored in individual files. The first two tabs feature exporting and importing settings using so-called defaults files. Defaults files are written using YAML and provide Pandoc with sensible defaults for every export. We will shortly after the release of 2.0 include extensive documentation for how these work. The defaults we provide should work well for most users.

The third tab contains the custom CSS, and the fourth tab contains the new snippets feature.

Custom CSS Has Moved

The Custom CSS can now be edited directly in the assets manager instead of in its own dialog.

Zoom Functionality Has Changed

Previously, you could increase and decrease the editor's font size using the zoom shortcuts. Now, the zoom shortcuts will zoom the complete user interface. This is an accessibility feature, since several people with visual impairments as well as people with large external displays have mentioned they would like the user interface itself to be scalable.

The editor's font size can now directly be edited with a new setting in the editor settings tab.

Scroll-to-zoom has been removed, because too many people have accidentally held down Cmd/Ctrl while using the scrollwheel, causing many accidental zoom operations.

The Pandoc Command Has Been Removed

In the past, you had the ability to modify the command that Zettlr would run to export your files. However, several times we had to adapt the command, which lead to frustration among users because we had to manually inform everyone of these changes and they had to manually "reset" the command. Now that we have switched to defaults files, the command that will be run in every case is pandoc --defaults "/path/to/defaults.yaml". Instead of modifying the CLI arguments, you can now adapt the defaults Pandoc will be run with, which is possible because every CLI argument has a corresponding setting in defaults files, which can be edited in the assets manager.

Native User Interface

Another notable change is that now we have switched to a native user interface. This means that Zettlr does not have a completely custom design anymore, but rather orients itself at the various interface guidelines published by Apple, Microsoft, and the GNOME team. Thus, on macOS and Windows Zettlr now follows the Big Sur style and the Metro style respectively. On Linux, we have attempted to model the GNOME interface but had to make a few changes due to the fact that there are numerous different window managers with different aesthetics.

Two PDF Export Options

You will notice that there are now two different PDF exporting options, one is called "PDF Document", the other "PDF (LaTeX)". The first option enables you to export a document to PDF without the help of a LaTeX distribution. This way you can have PDF exports without installing such a distribution. The second option allows you to export to PDF as you know it from previous versions of Zettlr.

Project Settings Have Moved

With the introduction of defaults files, there is less necessity to ship a full dialog just to edit a project's settings. Instead, the project settings have been moved to the novel "Properties" dialog of directories, which you can access via the context menu.

GUI and Functionality

Under the Hood



Read our Postmortem on this issue and the last one on our blog.

This is a hotfix that fixes a potentially severe security-issue, reported to us by the Japanese cybersecurity organisation JPCERT/CC. It was reported that due to insecure iFrame handling on our side, malicious actors could take over users' computers using specially crafted iFrame-embed codes or Markdown-documents containing such an iFrame.

This release closes this vulnerability. Specifically, the following precautions were taken:

  1. Now, whenever Zettlr renders an iFrame, it will omit all attributes except src -- in the security disclosure, the attribute srcdoc has been used to maliciously access the test system. While this means that certain features are not supported during preview (e.g., allowfullscreen), remember that the attributes will still be exported so that in HTML exports, they will work.
  2. We have added a global whitelist that by default only contains the hostnames of YouTube and Vimeo players so that those embeds work out of the box. For all other hostnames, rendering of iFrames will be blocked by default. Instead, you will be presented with a warning and be asked whether or not you want to render content from the given hostname. You can then choose to render it once, or permanently add the named hostname to the whitelist.

Note that you can completely disable any iFrame pre-rendering in your display preferences.

We would like to apologise for the inconvenience. If you are interested in how it came to this situation, please read our Postmortem on this issue.



This is a hotfix that updates a vulnerable Electron version to a safe one. This is in response to a row of CVEs that have been detected in the source code of Chromium in the past days. With an outdated Electron-version (<12.0.6), it was possible for an attacker to take over your computer via Zettlr using a crafted HTML webpage.

This release fixes Zettlr 1.8.7, which was vulnerable to this kind of attack. It upgrades Electron from a vulnerable 11.x.x-version to the safe version 12.0.6.



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Apple Silicon Support

This version provides native Apple Silicon/M1 support, a.k.a. the darwin/arm64 architecture. Make sure to download the correct update file (either x64 for Intel-based Macs or arm64 for the new Apple Silicon chips).

A Note to Apple Silicon users

If you possess one of the new Apple devices sporting Apple's M1 chip, please see whether or not the application is able to run the built-in pandoc (which is still compiled for 64 bit). If your bundled exporter fails, please report an issue.

A Note to Windows ARM users

As of the current development build, Microsoft has finished support for running 64 bit applications on ARM computers. However, this is not yet officially released, so the bundled Pandoc might not work and you have to return back to the system-wide installation. However, if the bundled 64 bit Pandoc does work on your ARM computer, please notify us so we know that we can officially support Windows ARM again!

Drag Behaviour Fixes

Due to efforts within the file manager structure, we could re-enable the functionality to drag files out of the app without having to press any modification key before actually dragging something.

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Under the Hood


Deprecating 32 bit builds

This version ships with a debug notification that will inform users of deprecated operating systems about that fact. This debug notification cannot be turned off, but will be removed in Zettlr 1.8.5, which will use the bundled Pandoc version first of all. Beginning with Zettlr 1.9.0, we will no longer support 32 bit applications, so you have to make sure your operating system supports 64 bit. If your Windows is still 32 bit, there is a very high chance that your processor actually supports 64 bit. Please check this, if you want to continue using Zettlr.

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GUI and Functionality

Under the Hood


Support for Pandoc 2.11

The default Pandoc command now targets Pandoc 2.11 and above. In order to use the new command, make sure to "reset" it once, or (if it contains customisations) replace $citeproc$ with --citeproc --bibliography "$bibliography$" $cslstyle$. However, you can retain compatibility with older versions by replacing the new part --citeproc with --filter pandoc-citeproc. The new $bibliography$ variable will be replaced with /path/to/your/library.json. Furthermore, the $cslstyle$-variable will be replaced with --csl /path/to/your/style.json, if applicable.

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Breaking Changes

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Breaking Changes

This release contains several breaking changes to 1.6 due to heavy internal refactoring.

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The macOS-build of Zettlr is now code-signed and notarized, which means you will be able to open it without having to explicitly add an exception in your security preferences.

Breaking Changes

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GUI and Functionality

This update will reset your sidebar mode to the initial value of thin.

From this update on, you will need to hold either the Alt-key or the Ctrl-key on your keyboard, if you plan to move a file out of the app.

Under the Hood


GUI and Functionality

Attention, this update breaks three shortcuts: To view the file list, the tree view, and the attachment sidebar, you need to use Cmd/Ctrl+! (for toggling the sidebar), and Cmd/Ctrl+? for toggling the attachments. The shortcuts for Cmd/Ctrl+[number] are now reserved for recent documents!

Attention: Due to changes in the configuration, this update resets your setting concerning text snippets. They are now called "file information" and the corresponding setting will be set to "Show", regardless of your current setting.


Under the Hood


GUI and Functionality

Under the Hood


GUI and Functionality

Under the Hood


GUI and Functionality

Under the Hood


GUI and Functionality

Under the Hood


GUI and Functionality

Under the Hood


GUI and functionality

Under the hood


GUI and functionality

Under the hood


GUI and functionality

Under the hood


GUI and functionality

Under the hood


GUI and functionality

Under the hood


GUI and functionality

Under the hood


GUI and functionality

Under the hood


GUI and functionality

Under the hood


GUI and functionality

Under the hood


GUI and functionality

Under the hood


GUI and functionality

Under the hood


GUI and functionality

Under the hood


GUI and functionality

Under the hood


GUI and functionality

Under the hood


GUI and functionality

Under the hood


GUI and functionality

Under the hood


GUI and functionality

Under the hood


GUI and functionality

Under the hood


GUI and functionality

Under the hood


GUI and functionality

Under the hood


GUI and functionality

Under the hood


GUI and functionality

Under the hood


GUI and functionality

Under the hood


GUI and functionality

Under the hood


GUI and functionality

Under the hood


GUI and functionality

Under the hood


GUI and functionality

Under the hood


This is an emergency patch. It fixes an error on Windows and Linux systems that disabled the complete main menu, making it unable to execute commands from the menu (e.g., opening a new root folder).


GUI and functionality

Under the hood (i.e.: technical stuff)







